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Subscription Form Ownership and Access dialog

[Corporate Edition Only]
This dialog lets you specify ownership and access level for the subscription form.

Form ID displays the form id.

Form Owner Lets you select the owner of the form. When a user creates a new subscription form he or she automatically becomes the owner of the form. Only the owner and administrators can make changes to the form. If you change ownership, old owner will not be able to change form any more. If the id that you type in does not identify any valid user, the form will only be accessible by administrators.

Who may collect subscriptions for the form?

Only the owner and administrators This is the most secure option. This is the default option for newly created subscription form from Advanced Tab. If you want to create a form for a restricted user, you will have to make this user the owner of the form. If a restricted user owns a form, he or she still cannot change the form, but they can collect data from the form.

Everyone but restricted users Choose this option if you want other users to have the access to the form data as well. Since AY Track never dismisses subscription data, the same form may be shared by many users without any interference. Restricted users will not be able to use this form

Everyone including restricted users Choose this option if you want anyone to have acces to this form.

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