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Recipients Menu for Regular Projects

This menu is visible only when you click on the Recipients Tab and only when the current project stores recipient list internally.

Data Fields lets you add, remove, or edit Data Fields used for the current recipients list. The Data Fields dialog will appear to let you make changes.

Combine with Other Listlets you add or subtract a recipient list from other project. The Combine Recipient Lists dialog will appear and you will be able to select an appropriate operation.

Simple Search lets you search for the recipients who match the text in any field. The Search dialog will let you enter the text to search.

Advanced Search lets you search for the recipients based on more complex criteria. The Advanced Search dialog will let you enter the search criteria.

Search By Status lets you search for recipients based on their status.

Show Group [Professional and Corporate Editions Only] lets you view recipients from a selected group.

Enable All enables all the recipients on the list.

Disable All disables all the recipients on the list.

Disable Undeliverables disables some or all of the recipients who are marked as undeliverable. The Disable Undeliverable Recipients dialog will let you select the exact criteria.

Remove Disabled permanently deletes all the disabled recipients.

Reset Status Information resets the status (successful, undeliverable, etc.) for all the recipients.

Fill in a Field... lets you fill out a data field with same value for all recipients.

Statistics displays statistics on the number and status of the recipients.

Verify Addressesverifies if the recipient addresses are deliverable. Internet connection must be established before verifying. See Address Verification.

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